We help businesses build & curate your creativity as your brand

What we Provide

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content looking at it. We will help you create the diffrentiation between your and your competitior. 
Trademark and Copyrights are the key to your market offerings. It is your brand, your intellectual property. You have to protect it, you have to gaurd it. 
Important because you create stakeholder value while creating a unique identity for your business, both offline and online.
Branding + Design
Brands, digital, print, and everything in between. Unique to the service & the business you have. It will not just help you creates a unique identity for your organisation but it will assist in protect any sqatting.
Domain Names
Custom technological solutions and support for websites, applications. Innovation on portfolio Management to protect your brand online from perpetrators who could hack your brand for demonstration of their own products and services.
Strategy + Communications
Strategic planning and communication around your brand which will be un-identical to others in the market. it will help in instilling confidence in your customers while making your brand stand out.
Trademark & Copyrights Registrations
A trademark is a word, symbol, design, or phrase that denotes a specific product and differentiates it from similar products. Copyrights protect “original works of authorship,” such as writings, art, architecture, and music.

Intellectual Property : Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights

For the Understanding, in the early 1990s, Intellectual Property Rights (popularly known as IPR) had a very short burst of triumphalism, marked by the inclusion of the agreement on trade related Intellectual property rights as part of the world trade organization’s fresh remit, and secondly by the creation of the first major achievement of the European union (EU) in the field, the Community Trade Mark, with its adjoint harmonization of member states' system for trade mark registrations. 
Much else continued to happen around the world and the international community at large, functioning in a multi stake holder environment, started to realize and flourish. So then Joined the major brands and the businesses smaller in size followed. 

Today, protection of the the IPR is the foremost for all business activites. From physical it has also now moved on in the arena of online world. A endless sea of possibilities, protection mechanism is not just complicated but intellectual in its own self.

Our Business is different

We believe in a methodical approach and try to be in it for the win. Thus, making sure that we deliver for our clients.
01 Product Research
We are going to focus more on the things that we are doing with the products we are building, the things that drive all of our core customers.
02 Design & Develop
We're in a unique position, being able to run our own business while also using a community in a way few others have any business experience.
03 Managment & Marketing
Our clients love us because they all use it, we believe that you'll love the same. Our marketing team detail oriented and expert at anything you need.

Have we Gotten Your Attention yet?

You could get in touch with our highly motivated and experienced team who are ready to assist you with you Trade Mark registrations or other Intellectual Property Matters.
International Presence : Dhaka, Dubai, London, Moscow, New York, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo
© 2021 Blade-BRAINS Group® Global. All rights reserved. The Logos & Images are Trade Marks of the respective businesses. Powered by 7Digital.Solutions®
